Marriage equality came to Oklahoma recently. A lesbian couple who had been together for seven years decided that they wanted more than a marriage license, they wanted a wedding.
Monica Hesse from the Washington Post wrote about their plans and preparation. Not to "push an agenda", but to celebrate their relationship with as many friends and family who would be willing to attend.
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“Sometimes I do feel like an abomination,” Tracy said, a few minutes later.
Diana shook her head. “Don’t. Don’t you ever let people say you’re an abomination.”
“There is no deeper question that they can have about me that I haven’t had about myself,” Kathryn said. “I’m a gay Christian in Oklahoma — there is no greater cosmic joke than for me to be a gay Christian.”
“You have to understand,” Tracy told her family, finally. “For some of these people, we’re the only gay people they’ve ever met.”
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While reading this I was simply struck with how much contrast there is between this story and the typical concept of same-sex relationships in the minds of many conservative evangelical Christians. They're simply people, like all of us, wanting the same things we all do – love, family, and faith.