I've started reading a new ongoing series of posts about the Bible and same-sex marriage from Graeme Codrington at FutureChurchNow.com. It's been really good so far. Here's a quote from the one I read this morning:
I believe that we should make a change with regard to our acceptance of homosexuality and affirmation of same sex marriage. Not because the Bible has changed, or God. But because it is an obvious progression of the radically inclusive message of Jesus, and because we’re discovering that we were wrong.
Here's his summary of this particular entry:
- God may or may not change over time, but our understanding of Him definitely does.
- God’s instructions to His people have adapted over time, and will continue to do so.
- There is a redemptive arc to history, as God keeps pushing His people to be ahead of, and counter-cultural to, the contexts they live in.
- Change is not bad. In fact, it is an essential element of Christian life.